
Oskar Alvarado

Curator, Photographer, 1968, Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spanish

Oskar Alvarado is a visual artist currently living in Barcelona. He has a Bachelor’s Degree in Fine Arts at Basque Country University (UPV), a MA on Curatorial and Cultural Practices in Art and New Media at Higher School of Design (ESDI) in Barcelona and a Graduate Diploma in Management, Preservation and Dissemination of Photographic Archives at Universitat Autònoma of Barcelona (UAB). His work has been awarded and exhibited at different international festivals.

In his work, he creates visual worlds where people appear to interact in intimate spaces. In bounded territories to explore our identity. Places to show our fragility. The permanent duality in which we live: the conflict between what we appear to be and our true selves. He put the focus on the moment that consciousness and unconsciousness are found, where reality and fiction blur the border and coexist in the mind in a recreation of two parallel worlds that make up our essence. His motivation is to continue exploring new emotional landscapes. Stagings of the strangeness, of the everyday life dramas hidden in suburban existence.

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Curatorial Statements 2023

Learn about the jury’s statements of Helsinki Photo Festival and how they decide on submissions during the annual open calls.