
Charlotte Mariën

Photographer, 1992, Leuven, Belgian

Charlotte Mariën is a photographer based in Leuven, Belgium. After graduating in communication sciences, she emerged herself in photography at LUCA School of Arts, Narafi, Vorst. She presented her graduation series, A fashion dream, at the LUCA Showcase 2018. She continued her photography studies at Sint-Lukas, Brussels and was selected as a resident at the reopened historical BAC Atelier in Leuven. Her work has been shown in various exhibitions.

Mariën will be exhibited at Rotterdam Photo 2022 in the Netherlnds. In 2021, she was open call finalist at Helsinki Photo Festival, Finland and also was exhibited at the International Foto Biennale Ostend, PhotoTWENS and Knokke-Heist in Belgium. In 2020, she won and exhibited at PEP, New Talents 2020 in Berlin, Germany.

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Curatorial Statements 2023

Learn about the jury’s statements of Helsinki Photo Festival and how they decide on submissions during the annual open calls.