
Carl-Mikael Ström

Photographer, 1986, Paris, Swedish

Carl-Mikael Ström lives and works between Sweden and France. He studied photography at Fatamorgana in Copenhagen, Denmark, between 2013-2014. He was an assistant to the Swedish photographer JH Engström between 2014-2018. Ström works within photography, writing, and film. He moves between the different mediums, using time as his essential tool to let the frame of the project become visible. Intrigued by what cannot be explained through language within images his work revolves around the question: ”what is there that can be shown but cannot be said?” He believes that an image has endless forms and that time passing inevitably shows, even in an image. Convinced that there is always more behind what you intend to say, he tries to accept the restraints and lies of creations.

Carl-Mikael Ström was open call finalist with this series Inevitably it will rain at Helsinki Photo Festival’s 2020 Nordic Village at the Finnish National Museum. Moreover, he has been exhibited at Athens Photo Festival, Copenhagen Photo Festival and in Stockholm, Sweden.

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Curatorial Statements 2023

Learn about the jury’s statements of Helsinki Photo Festival and how they decide on submissions during the annual open calls.